Healthy Animal, Healthy Meat

Veal is perhaps the only type of meat that is raised in the United States exclusively by small, family farmers. These caring individuals tend to each animal to ensure its health and well-being.

Parents and children often work side-by-side on these farms, caring for young animals just as they would their own families.

Veal calf housing protects calves from potential injury and predators, while also sheltering them from the elements of wind, rain, snow and extreme cold and heat.

Professional nutritionists and veterinarians also play critical roles in supporting the nutrition and health of veal calves. Carefully balanced diets, protective vaccinations and dietary supplements like probiotics all play a role in ensuring that each calf is healthy, well-nourished and able to live its best life. 

By attentively rearing and feeding veal animals to protect their health and productivity, we also are able to provide a safe, high-quality meat product to you, our valued customer.

The individual health of today’s veal calves is monitored not just visually, but with periodic blood tests to check for disease and check for proper levels of various components in the blood. One of the most critical measures assesses is iron. If blood hemoglobin levels are found to be too low, those animals receive a special supplement to ensure they are not iron-deprived. 

We care as much about veal calves’ health as you do about your own and your family’s health. By attentively rearing and feeding veal animals to protect their health and productivity, we also are able to provide a safe, high-quality meat product to you, our valued customer. In turn, you have a delicious, versatile, nutrient-dense food source to support your own family’s health and eating pleasure.

So enjoy, and spread the word! Veal is safe, nutrition, delicious and clean meat choice of the modern California diner.

Want to learn more about veal? Visit sites from any of these trusted veal resources, provided by the American Veal Association